Team Green and Seed Corporation
Sung-jin Choe
Founder & CEO- 2018 MIT-Solver Awarded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Grand prize of 3rd Global Innovation Festa hosted by Ministry of SMEs and Startups
- 2015 Korea National Railroad College 3yrs dropout
Jae-hoon Shim
COO- achelor's degree of Korea Military Academy
- Jul 2006 - Jan 2007 Development of eco-friendly paper cups through biodegradable resin melt coating
- Jun 2008 - May 2011 Development of an eco-friendly product with the enhanced physical property through nano composting of biodegradable resins
- Aug 2016 - Mar 2017 Biodegradable mulching film having the improved anti-hydrolysis property
How can we, Green and Seed Corp., solve these problems?
In order to solve the problem of excessive water use and lots of GHG emissions in rice farming,
we innovated rice cultivation into a secondary industry with climate-resilience and called it “Seed Film Cultivation (SFC)”.
SFC uses the characteristics of rice and biodegradable films. In fact, rice is not an aquatic plant but a semi-aquatic plant.
If the rice paddies are not flooded in water, aerobic condition of soil leads to high yields.
But, without water, aerobic weeds with the largest population dominate the fields and rice can’t grow.
As a result, to prevent weeds, rice has long been grown in water. If weeds can be suppressed, it is better to grow rice outside of the water.
SFC is dry soil direct sowing using seed attached biodegradable film.
Biodegradation film suppresses weeds and provide an optimal environment for growing rice. SFC grow rice outside of the water.
SFC, a climate-smart agriculture, aims at securing human food security by raising rice outside of the water
and enabling rice farming even corn fields, highlands, even in deserts.
- TEL / FAX+82-10-9227-4976 / +82-2-6442-2464
- ADDRESS48, Sinseong-gil, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea
- E-MAILsjchoe@seedfilm.co.kr